The reliance on and integration of technology into human life reminds me of David Chalmer's 'Extended mind thesis'.

"They argue that the separation between the mind, the body, and the environment is an unprincipled distinction. Because external objects play a significant role in aiding cognitive processes, the mind and the environment act as a "coupled system" that can be seen as a complete cognitive system of its own. In this manner, the mind is extended into the physical world."


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Interesting. I do think humans and their environments have a symbiotic relationship. But I suppose this is the first time we're grappling with the notion of a virtual reality. I'm starting to think of Twitter and Instagram as physical places I go, like the mall (or in Twitter's case, a prison), which has its own rules and principles of operation.

It does feel like humans can pit the physical environment and this virtual reality in direct competition against one another. At least from someone like Musk, it does feel like he wants his virtual reality to eat the physical environment. But is that any different from what Alexander the Great did, or Genghis Khan, who also imposed their own reality on the world? Perhaps not.

Maybe all I'm saying here is I don't like the reality being imposed upon me right now, and I'm writing all this to remind myself that I am not powerless or without agency. No one is. I can fight back by creating a new world that I believe is better and more beneficial to others than the ones currently being offered.

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